Tone Mapping Plug-In is a Photoshop plug-in designed to reveal details in highlights and shadows occurring in HDR images.
HDR (high dynamic range) photographs are obtained through a technique that involves taking several photos, each at a different exposure level, and assembling them into one single image that presents clear details in both dark and in bright areas. The Tone Mapping plug-in can be accessed from the Filter menu in Photoshop, and it includes a Detail Enhancer and a Tone Compressor section. The Detail Enhancer section allows you to adjust settings related to color saturation, luminosity, detail contrast, lighting adjustments, as well as white point and black point positioning.
The Tone Compressor section also includes options for setting the white and the black point and for adjusting color saturation. It also allows you to perform tonal range compression, to adjust the temperature and brightness of the photo and to adapt its contrast. When adjusting settings in any of the two sections, these changes will be shown both in the picture as well as on the displayed histogram.
Tone Mapping Plug-In is easy to use and it includes settings that are appropriate for enhancing details in a picture while taking into consideration its exposure level.